High Life (2018)

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Watch trailers and synopsis of High Life, Robert Pattinson’s Latest Film. The trailer and synopsis of the film High Life, tells the story of humans and outer space.

The High Life film made by director Claire Denis will tell a story about a man and a child. Where the film High Life itself also tells how a father named Monte (Robert Pattinson) and his daughter who live in isolation in outer space.

The High Life movie itself has been well-reviewed by Hollywood film critics. Robert Pattinson will portray a character owned by a French female director Claire Denis.

High Life films will have the theme Sci-fi often called Science Fiction, or science fiction films. If you imagine someone who has played Edward Cullen in the Twilight movie franchise chose to play serious drama like High Life would be the starting point for Robert Pattinson.


Monte (Robert Pattinson) and his daughter are 2 of the many leftovers from a failed mission to space.

One of the crew members of a doctor (Juliette Binoche) with an evil mission has disappeared. When the mystery on this spaceship begins to unfold, the father and daughter will try to survive the brunt of the Black Hole. The film High Life is a hard story about love and closeness infused by an angry loss of the Earth.

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