Mermaid Down (2019)

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Mermaid Down is a 2019 horror fantasy film made by the United States of America. This film by Jeffrey Grellman tells the story of a mermaid taken from the Pacific, whose tail is cut and she is thrown into a mental hospital where no one believes she is a mermaid.

The stars of the film are Alexandra Bokova, Drew Moore, Eryn Rea, Megan Therese Rippey, Burt Culver, Caroline Dunaway. The production house is Grellman Films, Heartpine Pictures, with Archstone Distribution as the distributor of the film.


Bearing in mind hatred, two stubborn fishermen believe that the myth of a mermaid is real. They then waited patiently for the sea because they believed that if they got one mermaid, they would give a lot of wealth. They went out to sea and waited, believing that it was a matter of patience to lure the hard-to-catch creature to the surface of the sea. And it was true, they finally caught a fish-tailed woman with a net and then cut off her leg with an axe.

This was witnessed by Dr Beyer ( Burt Culver ), a marine psychiatrist who stops on a ship and eventually runs away with a crippled girl ( Alexandra Bokova ). He then took him to a mental hospital where he tried to treat with therapy.